This Vitamin can Prevent Breast Cancer
Vitamin D fights disease Vitamin D seems to be the discovery of the 21st century. When first discovered, it became the magic bullet for conquering Ricketts and other bone-based dysfunctions. Current research is finding this life-saving vitamin to be the missing link...
How body fat causes Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is not an isolated disease Breast cancer is not a single disease; it develops as a diverse and heterogeneous dysfunction that then becomes different types of cancer, including DCIS, triple negative, IDC, LCIS—to name a few. The many different cancers...
How to control metastatic breast cancer
Metastatic Breast Cancer If you have been told you have metastatic breast cancer, cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Hearing you have metastatic disease is quite overwhelming, but this stage of disease in NOT hopeless. Yes, many people with with metastatic...
How Marijuana can Damage Your Brain
Marijuana has always been associated with lazy stoners who wear tie-dyed shirts, listen to Bob Marley all day, and have the perpetual munchies—like Spicoli from the movie “Fast Times at Ridgemont High.” Once stereotyped as a person with a poor work ethic and poor...
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